Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Musikwissenschaft

English Version (Bio)

Jin-Ah Kim is associate professor of Cultural Studies in the Department of German Studies at the College of Liberal Arts at Hongik University in Seoul and Honorarprofessor at the Institute for Musicology and Media Studies at Humboldt University of Berlin.

  • Born in 1969 in Seoul. Studied musicology, sociology and sinology at the University of Münster. 1999 Doctor phil. 2009 habilitation at Humboldt University of Berlin. 2000–2001 imple-mented the research project "Entstehung des Opusbegriffs und Herausbildung des Individu-alstils in der Frühen Neuzeit/Genesis of the Term 'Opus' and the Emergence of Individual Style in the Early Modern Period", sponsored by the Postdoctoral Progamme of the University of Münster, and 2002–2004 the research project "Artifizierung der Musik und Selbstbewusstsein des Komponisten in der frühen Neuzeit/Artification of music and self-awareness of the composer in modern times", sponsored by the German Research Foundation (DFG). 2009–2012 visiting assistant professor of musicology at the College of Music at Seoul National University (Department of Korean Music). 2011–2015 Privatdozent and ordinary faculty member of philosophy III at Humboldt University of Berlin. 20162019 professor of Interdisciplinary Studies at the College of Liberal Arts at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (Seoul/Yongin). Awards and facilitations by the Goethe Institute in Bremen (1989), the Hans and Gertrud Zender Foundation (2010), the Federal Ministry of Education and Research in an idea competition (2013) and by the Balzan Prize Research Programme in Musicology, "Towards a Global History of Music" including an international research visitorship (2014/2015). 
    She has been a member of the advisory committee of the Deutsche Oper in Berlin (Chamber music series "Klang der Welt/Sound of the World") (2009–2011) and of the German-Turkish Bağlama–Platform (2014–2017), among others. Currently she is a member of the steering committee of the Korean Society of Performance and Culture, the Editorial Board of the Journal of the Musicological Society of Korea and of the Korean Society of Baroque Studies as well as of the Advisory Board of the publication series "Intercultural Music Studies" (University of Würzburg). Furthermore she is chair of the steering committee and research director of the "International Network for a Global History of Music" (INGHM), which has been established in July 2018 to continue the Balzan Musicology Project "Towards a Global History of Music" (2013–2017), led by Reinhard Strohm (Emeritus Professor of Music, University of Oxford) with the support of the International Balzan Foundation.
  • Her areas of research include history and aestheics of European music in the 18th and 19th centuries, the sociology of (musical) practice (practice sociology, knowledge sociology, culture sociology), transcultural music research (culture transfer, diversity, migration), the global history of music as well as ethnological approaches to musicology, specializing in the area of East Asia.  
    Among others, she leads the international projects "Notation of Music. Asia & Europe" (2008–2010), "Music and Cultural Transfers" (2011–2015), "Transfer and Diversity. Music and Transcultural Practice Germany – Turkey" (2014–2015) and also took part in a number of international projects as an ordinary research member, among others "Global Music Digital Archives" (2011–2012, University of Music Weimar), "Re-Assembling Extracts of Musical Traditions: A differentiated approach to globalized musicking" (2014–2017, Concordia University Montréal). Furthermore she has hosted over thirty independently conceived and organized symposia and concerts, among others "Entgrenzte Welt? Musik und Kulturtransfers/Unboundaried World? Music and Culture Transfers" (together with Nepomuk Riva, Berlin 2012), "'European Music' in East Asia? The Musical Intertwining of Western Europe and East Asia in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries" (Zürich 2015). 
    Jin-Ah Kim has held ca. eighty academic presentations on Congresses and on further occasions at universities and research institutes in Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, Portugal, Bulgaria, Korea, Japan, Myanmar, and among these keynote speeches in Rome, Berlin, Sofia, Ghent, and Seoul.