Publications in English (from 2002; selective)
- Musicology (Re-)Mapped. European Science Foundation. Standing Committee for the Humanities (SCH) Discussion Paper. Strasbourg 2012.
Available online at - With Philip V. Bohlman and Lars-Christian Koch (eds.), Sounding Cities. Auditory Transformations in Berlin, Chicago, and Kolkata, Zürich 2018 (=KlangKulturStudien / SoundCultureStudies, 9)
Academic essays
- "A pixel is a pixel. A club is a club. Toward a hermeneutics of Berlin style DJ & VJ culture", in: to the quick. the journal magazine of media and cultural studies at binghamton university 2002/5. Special Issue: Experimental Music & Sound, pp. 28-41.
- "'Were every thought an eye'. The crisis of visionary language and musical actio in John Dowland", in: Gesang zur Laute, hrsg. von Nicole Schwindt, Kassel 2003 (= Trossinger Jahrbuch für Renaissancemusik 2/2002), pp. 179-189.
- "Beyond Mimesis. Processing intelligent musical signs and the production of variants in the Enlightenment", in: Variantology 2. On Deep Time Relations of Arts, Sciences and Technologies, Ed. by Siegfried Zielinski and David Link, Cologne 2006 (Kunstwissenschaftliche Bibliothek 35), pp. 67-83.
- [with Philip V. Bohlman and Lars-Christian Koch], "Tales of Three Cities – Berlin, Chicago, and Kolkata at the Metropolitan Musical Crossroads", in: Ursula Hemetek and Adelaida Reyes (eds.), Cultural Diversity in the Urban Area: Explorations in Urban Ethnomusicology. Proceedings of the international symposium held in Vienna in March 2006, organised by the UNESCO Working group Vienna and the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, Vienna 2007 (=klanglese 4), pp. 27-50.
- "Arcadia, Musicland. Variants of Eloquence in the Renaissance Madrigal & in Disco", in: VARIANTOLOGY 5. Neapolitan Affairs. Ed. by Siegfried Zielinski & Eckhard Fürlus. Cologne 2011, pp. 299-317.
- "'A pixel is a pixel, a club is a club'. Toward a hermeneutics of Berlin style DJ and VJ culture", in: Mark J. Butler (ed.), Electronica, Dance and Club Music, London 2012 (The Library of Essays on Popular Music) [first publ. in 2002], pp. 105-118.
- "Tartini the Indian. Perspectives on World Music in the Enlightenment", in: Philip V. Bohlman (ed.), The Cambridge History of World Music, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2013 (=The Cambridge History of Music Series), pp. 277-297.
- "Rhythm and Consensuality. Extending Gumbrecht's Model to Music, Cognition and Action Studies", in: Veronika Busch, Kathrin Schlemmer, Clemens Wöllner (Hrsg.), Musikwissenschaftliche Brückenschläge. Festschrift für Wolfgang Auhagen, Hildesheim 2013, pp.104-111.
- "Mousiké, Harmonics and the Symmetrical Culture of Western Greece", in: Musica, culti e riti nell'occidente greco. A cura di Angela Bellia, Pisa/Roma 2014 (=Telestes. Studi e ricerche di archeologia musicala nel Mediterraneo, 1), pp. 219-233.
- "Algorithmic and Nostalgic Listening. Post-subjective Implications of Computational and Empirical Research", in: Gianmario Borio (ed.), Musical Listening in the Age of Technological Reproduction, Farnham 2015 (=Musical Cultures of the Twentieth Century Series), pp. 69-89.
- "Spectral agency in Madonna's album Music (2000)", in: "Estes Sons, esta Linguagem." Essays on Music, Meaning and Society. Honour of Mário Vieira de Carvalho. Ed. by Gilbert Stöck, Paulo Ferreira de Castro and Katrin Stöck, Leipzig 2015, pp. 241-253.
- "Musics' Moral Geographies - African drumming, Minimalism and DJ Culture", in: New Geographies. CTM Festival 2016 Booklet, ed. by Jan Rohlf, Berlin 2016, pp. 66-71.
- "'Thank you for listening kindly': Musical Agency in Trans-Metropolitan Spaces", in: S. Klotz, Philip V. Bohlman, Lars-Christian Koch (eds.), Sounding Cities. Auditory Transformations in Berlin, Chicago, and Kolkata, Zürich 2018 (=KlangKulturStudien / SoundCultureStudies, 9), pp. 47-75.
- "Afterword: The Study of Urban Music from Trans-Cultural Perspective", in: ibd., pp. 255-270.
- "Complex Impression and Klangfarbe: Timbre as a Catalyst of Carl Stumpf's Psychological Research", in: Alexander Rehding and Emily Dolan (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Timbre (Oxford Handbooks Online). Online Publication Date: Aug 2019.
DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190637224.013.2 -
"Murray Island versus Aberdeenshire: Contextualizing the Cross-Cultural Hearing Tests of the Cambridge Anthropological Expedition to Torres Straits, 1898-1899", in: Viktoria Tkaczyk, Mara Mills, and Alexandra Hui (eds.), Testing Hearing. The Making of Modern Aurality, Oxford 2020, pp 77-108. DOI:10.1093/oso/9780197511121.003.0004
- "Economies of Grace: Dalcroze, Appia and the rhythmosphere of modernity", in: Bodypolitics/Movement Choirs. Körperpolitik/Bewegungschöre, ed. by Patrick Primavesi and LIGNA, Leipzig: Spector.