Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Medienwissenschaft

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Institut für Musik­wissen­schaft und Medien­wissen­schaft | Medienwissenschaft |  ↳ Medientheorien | Kolloquium | Michael Century: Timescape Studies: Toward an Operative Media Archeology of Pauline Oliveros' Expanded Instrument System. (Vortrag)

Michael Century: Timescape Studies: Toward an Operative Media Archeology of Pauline Oliveros' Expanded Instrument System. (Vortrag)

  • Wann 23.11.2022 von 18:00 bis 20:00
  • Wo Medientheater, Raum 0.01, Georgenstraße 47, 10117 Berlin Online via Zoom
  • Name des Kontakts
  • iCal

Pauline Oliveros (1932-2016) was an experimental American composer, performer, writer, teacher and humanitarian well known for her original conceptions of Sonic Meditation and Deep Listening. Less widely known are her engagements with sound technologies, spanning fifty years and charting the entire spectrum of electronic sound art – from sine oscillators and tape recorders through analog kits and modules, computer controls over such modules, to digital-analog hybrids and full digital programs at the cusp of artificial intelligence. She designated this panoply of ever-shifting technologies and set-ups the "Expanded Instrument System". The key operator in the Expanded Instrument System is time delay, which sets in motion several lines of creative thought and technology design at multiple temporal scales. The EIS is a device to permit present, past and future to be experienced, in Oliveros' own words, "simultaneously with transformations."

Michael Century will present his ongoing research on the Expanded Instrument System from the standpoint of a performer-scholar who worked closely with Oliveros for over three decades. He will demonstrate and analyze EIS as a case study for a prospective "operative media archeology," informed by Century's own experimentation with and extension of the EIS functions.

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Zusätzlich bieten wir auch eine Teilnahme via Zoom an. Bitte wählen Sie sich dafür ab 17:50 Uhr ein. Den Link erhalten Sie auf Nachfrage von Raphael Tostlebe.