Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Medienwissenschaft


| Readings on the discourses of Berlin Media Science:


The following bibliography expresses various definitions of ways of knowing and performing technical media as well as disciplinary differentiations of their concept. The list does not claim to reflect the entire spectrum of media studies, but rather focuses on the range of media archaeological perspectives at the Department of Media Theories at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in its orientation towards media as a form of knowledge.

The bibliography is primarily based in the realm of printed and thus also perpetual texts; to some extent, the currently available but also fleeting world of knowledge circulation is taken into account, in which the media theory of the model-forming medium of the present becomes practice as networking itself: Computer-based publications online.

The individual thematic divisions are roughly divided into sources (basic and primary texts: canonical texts, classics) on the one hand and secondary literature on the other. Preference is given to first-hand sources.


📄  Readings (as of 23.05.2022)