Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Medienwissenschaft

Owen Mundy: Stasi / Facebook / Big Data (Vortrag)

  • Wann 14.06.2017 von 18:00 bis 20:00
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Owen Mundy’s project in Berlin examines how the technological inventions of the East German Ministry for State Security preempt Facebook, the NSA, and the world of Big Data. To this end, he is working at the Stasi Archives, researching the analog devices of the Stasi to lend insight into the methods implemented today as software by social media, advertising groups, and intelligence agencies in the service of domestic surveillance, censorship, and surveillance capitalism.

Owen Mundy is a researcher and technologist who investigates public space, information privacy, and big data. Recent work includes mobile and web-based apps and visualizations like, a research-based personality and risk analysis tool which appeared in the Peabody-awarded web documentary Do Not Track; the online viral big data visualization, I Know Where Your Cat Lives, which mapped seven million images tagged with #cat using the locations in the metadata users unknowingly uploaded to social media; and Give Me My Data, a tool that helped users export their data back out of Facebook. His work has been covered in The New York Times, The Atlantic, Time Magazine, NPR, and Wired Magazine and exhibited in multiple museums and galleries in New York, Berlin, Los Angeles, Rotterdam, and Mexico City.