Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Medienwissenschaft

Media Archaeological Fundus


Location: in the basement of the Department for Musicology at "Am Kupfergraben 4b".

Opening hours: On appointment. Please contact Constantin Roth or Loisa Liebchen.

Contact Partners: The collection is curated by Prof. Dr. Shintaro Miyazaki.

Senior curator: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ernst.

As well it is curated by Luisa Körlin, Louisa Liebchen and Constantin Roth .

The Media Archaeological Fundus (MAF) is a collection of various electromechanical and mechanical artefacts as they developed throughout time. Its aim is to provide a perspective that may inspire modern thinking about technology and media within its epistemological implications beyond bare historiography. Students, researchers and interested people are welcome to visit but also examine the so called Dead Media technologies.

Abb.: Ines Liszko


Inventory    ➥ Photos & videos



An Interview with Wolfgang Ernst: Archives, Materiality and the "Agency of the Machine".

Wolfgang Ernst: Arsenals of Memory. The Archi(ve)texture of the Museums

"MEDIJSKA ARHEOLOGIJA", Contribution of the Slovenian television about the the Media Archaeological Fundus.